
from changi airport

from changi airport I am in Singapore! haha

LUCKY I am !!!

http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hyuki/20060107 It has hit though it is a book on Mr. hyuki. It is very lucky. Let's buy the "LOTO6". http://www.ameho.jp/index01.html yes sir! http://qooqle.jp/ excellent!!!

in Singapore

It is sultry. In Japan and Singapore, it is great differences. It was a snow in Japan. funny name http://dqname.selfip.net/ DQN? My son's name might be surprised. Is "Itadakimasu" said? It greatly controverts it on "It is unnecessary in th…

1984 apple 広告

Apple ここだけの話 http://www.boiledeggs.com/hayashi/hback.html google:1984 apple 広告 GIZMOproject http://www.gizmoproject.com/


『増補改訂版Java言語で学ぶデザインパターン入門』無料プレゼント http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hyuki/20060107 x68000時代からお世話になっています って応募(これでいいのかな)

